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The Zodiac and Tarot

The Zodiac Experience

The Zodiac Experience is a self-initiatory, year-long meditative practice created by Gardner's initiate and High Priestess Patricia Crowther, which guides the seeker along a journey through the 12 signs of the zodiac.  In addition to the audio recordings on this website, Patricia's companion book, The Zodiac Experience: Initiation through the 12 Signs, rounds out your experience and enriches your understanding of the meaning behind the meditations you will perform.  It is recommended to use the companion book, which you can find here.


For those considering Traditional Gardnerian practice or are seeking a coven, this meditation series gives an excellent introduction to foundational concepts in Gardnerian Wicca. It is recommended that the meditations begin in the sign of Aries each year.


The Rite of Aries

The Zodiac Experience is best started in the sign of Aries. Meditations run from shortest (Aries) to longest (Pisces), with the first six being outdoors and the second six being indoors. Make sure to read through the chapters in the book or listen to the recording first! You will likely need additional supplies for a few meditations. Plan a good outdoor location also - you are expected to return to it for your outdoor sessions.


Aries supplies needed: Blanket, token of iron (iron filings can be ordered online, for example.


Time of day: Before Dawn on the Vernal Equinox, preferably before the sun starts to rise.


Timeframe: March 21 - April 19

The Zodiac Experience: The Rite of Aries


The Rite of Taurus

This rite is performed outdoors in the same location as where you buried your token.


Taurus supplies needed: Trowel to dig a circle


Time of day: Anytime in the sun sign of Taurus


Timeframe: April 20 - May 20

The Zodiac Experience: The Rite of Taurus


The Rite of Gemini

This rite is performed outdoors in the same location as where you buried your token.


Gemini supplies needed: Any incense of your choosing, incense holder, and lighter


Time of day: Anytime in the sun sign of Gemini


Timeframe: May 21 - June 20

The Zodiac Experience: The Rite of Gemini


The Rite of Cancer

This rite is performed outdoors in the same location as where you buried your token.


Cancer supplies needed: Written declaration of your highest ideals and any aspirations begun at the Vernal Equinox; Bring a bouquet of 9 different flowers and herbs as an offering to the Goddess, a small vase, some water from a running brook, and salt.


Time of day: The day of the Summer Solstice


Timeframe: June 21 - July 22

The Zodiac Experience: The Rite of Cancer


The Rite of Leo

This rite is performed outdoors in the same location as where you buried your token.


Leo supplies needed: None


Time of day: Anytime in the sun sign of Leo


Timeframe: July 23 - August 22

The Zodiac Experience: The Rite of Leo


The Rite of Virgo

This rite is performed outdoors in the same location as where you buried your token.


Virgo supplies needed: A flame from a fire in your home that must be taken to the site where the token is buried; writing materials (pen and paper).


Time of day: Anytime in the sign of Virgo


Timeframe: August 23 - September 22

The Zodiac Experience: The Rite of Virgo


The Rite of Libra

This rite is performed indoors at the altar you set up for the Zodiac Experience meditations.


Libra supplies needed: Altar table w/ fresh flowers, consecrated w/ incense and/or scented oil; symbol or picture of the sign you are working in (Libra) and an appropriately colored candle for the sign you are working in.


Time of day: Anytime in the sun sign of Libra


Timeframe: September 23 - October 22

The Zodiac Experience: The Rite of Libra


The Rite of Scorpio

This rite is performed indoors at the altar you set up for the Zodiac Experience meditations.


Scorpio supplies needed: Altar table w/ fresh flowers, consecrated w/ incense and/or scented oil; symbol or picture of the sign you are working in (Scorpio) and an appropriately colored candle for the sign you are working in.


Time of day: Anytime in the sun sign of Scorpio


Timeframe: October 23 - November 21

The Zodiac Experience: The Rite of Scorpio


The Rite of Sagittarius

This rite is performed indoors at the altar you set up for the Zodiac Experience meditations.


Sagittarius supplies needed: Altar table w/ fresh flowers, consecrated w/ incense and/or scented oil; symbol or picture of the sign you are working in (Sagittarius) and a purple candle.


Time of day: Anytime in the sun sign of Sagittarius


Timeframe: November 22 - December 21

The Zodiac Experience: The Rite of Sagittarius


The Rite of Capricornus

This rite is performed indoors at the altar you set up for the Zodiac Experience meditations.


Capricorn supplies needed: Altar table w/ fresh flowers, consecrated w/ incense and/or scented oil; symbol or picture of the sign you are working in (Capricorn) and an appropriately colored candle for the sign you are working in.


Time of day: Anytime in the sun sign of Capricorn


Timeframe: December 22 - January 19

The Zodiac Experience: The Rite of Capricornus


The Rite of Aquarius

This rite is performed indoors at the altar you set up for the Zodiac Experience meditations.


Aquarius supplies needed: Altar table w/ fresh flowers, consecrated w/ incense and/or scented oil; symbol or picture of the sign you are working in (Aquarius) and an appropriately colored candle for the sign you are working in.


Time of day: Anytime in the sun sign of Aquarius


Timeframe: January 20 - February 18

The Zodiac Experience: The Rite of Aquarius


The Rite of Pisces

This rite is performed indoors at the altar you set up for the Zodiac Experience meditations.

​Pisces supplies needed: Altar table w/ fresh flowers, consecrated w/ incense and/or scented oil; symbol or picture of the sign you are working in (Pisces) and an appropriately colored candle for the sign you are working in.


Time of day: Anytime in the sun sign of Pisces


Timeframe: February 19 - March 20

The Zodiac Experience: The Rite of Pisces

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