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Whether you have already joined a coven, are considering training in Traditional Gardnerian Wica, or are simply looking for a quality selection of occult books to choose from, you will find what you are looking for here in our Bibliography.

Gardnerian Bibliography

Witchcraft is primarily about doing and being. Although we do not denigrate academic pursuits, we believe that endless reading to accumulate information is a distraction upon the path. For information to be transformed into wisdom it must be applied. Consequently, the seeker is better served by taking a walk into nature, experiencing the elements upon the skin, listening to the wind move through the trees, or watching the lake's surface. Meditate upon the images which arise within you when becoming one with Nature. Work with the knowledge derived from within. Test it, and allow it to temper you. The spirits of the Land can instruct you well if you but listen. Such is the work of inner cultivation. Should you have leisure to devote to reading, the following texts may be helpful……


Blessed Be!


*Please note: The Meaning of Witchcraft and Viridarium Umbris: The Pleasure Garden of Shadows linked below are PDFs.  We do not recommend the most recent republishing of The Meaning of Witchcraft by Weiser as it includes a forward written by a non-initiate and contains a significant amount of misleading information. Viridarium Umbris: The Pleasure Garden of Shadows and Hostile Witnesses: Rescuing the History of Witchcraft from the Writing of Scholars and Churchmen are out of print and difficult to find. 


To download a PDF version of the Bibliography, click here.

  • Bracelin, Jack L Gerald Gardner: Witch. The Octagon Press, London 1960

  • Crowther, Patricia. Covensense. Robert Hale, London. 2009

  • Davies, Sioned (ed). The Mabinogion. Oxford University Press. Oxford, 2007

  • De Santillana G. and Von Dechend, H. Hamlet’s Mill. Gambit, Boston, 1969

  • Kingsley, Peter. Reality. The Golden Sufi Center. Inverness, Calif., 2003

  • Lethbridge, T. C. Witches. Citadel. New York, 1968

  • Muller-Ebling, Claudia, Ratsch, Christian, and Storl, Wolf. Witchcraft Medicine. Inner Traditions. Rochester, VT 1998

  • Petterson, David. Hostile Witnesses: Rescuing the History of Witchcraft From the Writings of Scholars and Churchmen. P.O. Box 62266, St. Louis Park, Minn. 55426

  • Stewart, R. J. Earth Light. Element Books. Rockport, Mass. 1992

  • Valiente, Doreen. Natural Magic. Phoenix Publishing, Custer, Washington. 1985


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